Bubble in the desert

A blog I started whilst on a GE "Bubble" assignment in Nevada. I'm back in Cambridge (UK) now but still miss the desert and my friends out there.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

400 miles done now - 20 miles on the day

Hiked with Basil and Amtrak today and did 20 miles. Got 400 done now. Met 2 scottish guys Jim and Jim on top of Muir Pass and chatted for ages. I surprised them by guessing where they were from in Scotland based on their accents. I got one spot on (Aberdeen) and one close (I said Stirling and it was Perth). Had a great chat with them and hung out around the Muir Hut on top of the pass.

Feet now very offensive and it's been a long time since I've had a wash. Somewhat grim.

Cowboy camped myself tonight.


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