Bubble in the desert

A blog I started whilst on a GE "Bubble" assignment in Nevada. I'm back in Cambridge (UK) now but still miss the desert and my friends out there.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sienna is my hero

Sienna has been a complete star this week. Not only did she jump at the chance to support my PCT trip, she has been totally mellow and helpful the whole time. It took me the 5th or 6th attempt to finally meet up with her and hand over my resupply boxes. It has been a bit of a hassle getting those together for sure and even now I'm not sure they are right, but there are resupply opportunities on the trail so I can fix things there I think (or ask Sienna to post me something else).

I arrived at Sienna's office today totally frazzled having had so much to do this week. She was totally cool and mellow. She issued me with a wound management kit and talked me through how it works (great if you get a massive gash in your arm or something). A bit gory but helpful.

Now all I need to do is cram everything into my rental Buick, get a shower, don the clothes I will wear for the next 2 months and head out and try to get to Lone Pine. I choose the 'green' option at Hertz. The carson city hertz didnt have a green car so they gave me the buick and a half a tank of gas on the house (I dont think they really get 'green' at Hertz!).

I should get to Santa Clarita by morning and then to Agua Dulce. We start hiking at 8pm wednesday night, it being the desert and all. There will be no water at all for the first 30 miles so we'll have heavy packs. A rude awakening I expect. I'm really looking forward to getting to Yosemite (apart from the bears there - the worst place for them on the whole trail). From Yosemite north until Tahoe there's a chance that some of my friends from here might come hiking with us, which would be excellent.

Well I am sad to say goodbye to my view of the Valley from up here in my Heavenly condo but I will not miss that bloody cheeseburger bird one bit (if Scott hadn't told me it was saying 'cheeseburger' i might just take it as birdsong but that can never happen again - once you know it, it's always the cheeseburger bird!).

Well, Sienna may be editing the blog a bit and I'll try to send some things over from my phone at times.

HUGE thanks to everyone for the support and motivation to try something like this. I know a lot of people would jump at this chance. I look forward to seeing you all soon, hopefully, some of you, on the trail!


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