Bubble in the desert

A blog I started whilst on a GE "Bubble" assignment in Nevada. I'm back in Cambridge (UK) now but still miss the desert and my friends out there.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Big Kahuna - wish me luck!

This is probably the hardest thing I have ever done, though it is shorter than the Death Ride so I'll have to re-assess that at the end.

The 1.2 mile swim in the sea is a bit worrying. The water temperature is 59 degrees. There will be seals sitting under the pier that we are swimming around, and no doubt, some in the water. Visibility will be poor. There will be a huge mash of people, with arms and legs everywhere. And of course, "when you get seals you usually get sharks". Kyle told me this is the biggest area for Great White sharks in the world. OK, statistically I'm probably more likely to be struck by lightening but still, I don't suppose statistics will be going through my mind as I plough through the water. Who knows, perhaps this will speed up my usual swimming leg! I have to say I'm looking forward to the bike and run!

Wish me luck


At 3:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have given you a link earlier... or maybe not, don't want to alarm you too much :-)


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