Bubble in the desert

A blog I started whilst on a GE "Bubble" assignment in Nevada. I'm back in Cambridge (UK) now but still miss the desert and my friends out there.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Still Alive!

Just a quick post to let you all know that I am still alive.

Camping arrangements last night were not quite as expected. I ended up backpacking and camping beyond Yosemite Falls (3,0000ft up from Yosemite Valley). I found a lovely secluded spot well away from other humans (they wouldn't hear me scream). Fine. Until 2:30am when I awoke needing a pee. I turned my torch on and it became pretty apparent that something large was outside the tent. After 30 minutes of waiting (terrified), desperate for a pee, I put on my down jacket (puffer jacket) to make myself look big (one thing to do when confronting bears is to make yourself look big). And then 'armed' with my trekking poles (bears don't like the sound of metal on metal), I unzipped my tent, looked around a bit and went for it. Jumped back inside the tent and surprisingly effectively convinced myself that it must've gone and promptly went back to sleep. I awoke in the morning alive! Moreover, my food store had been untouched, which with hindsight leads me to believe that I wasn't visited by Yogi bloody bear (yosemite bears, like yogi are, "smarter than the average bear" when it comes to dealings with humans), though I may just as well have been given the level of fright that, whatever animal it was, instilled. Top contenders have to be deer, or perhaps Coyote, though Mountain Lions would not be infeasible and they are much nastier than bears.

Anyhow, I'm off to sleep in my bear proof house! Not in the bloody woods tonight!


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