Bubble in the desert

A blog I started whilst on a GE "Bubble" assignment in Nevada. I'm back in Cambridge (UK) now but still miss the desert and my friends out there.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Running 9 miles; Watched swimming gala

Julie is training for a half marathon and running was scheduled for today. I casually agreed to go along too before I realised it was a 9 miler. It was a nice flat run along the river at a reasonable pace. I seem to have run 22 miles in 3 days, which is not wise so I will hold up a bit for a while.

In the afternoon we went to San Francisco, through thick traffic, to watch Julie's friend Tamara swim in the Butterfly of the World Masters. I was also really pleased to catch up with my old Cambridge swimming coach and buddy John Cochrane - we got a beer in the evening in preparation for his impending breast stroke exploits. GOOD LUCK JOHN.

I was VERY DISAPPOINTED that Phil wasn't coming along to try and break the UK record for breaststroke - he is so close to it that it's TOTALLY PERPLEXING why he didn't come out here.


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